Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What no clouds?!

Jack is doing a joy school twice a week. The moms rotate who teaches each week. It has been fun for Jack and something he looks forward to. As I am sure you recall, because I sure do, the whole swim lessons experience was a fiasco (at first) so I was petrified of leaving him twice a week for an hour and a half with someone else. On the way to school trepidation filled the air, and I was guilt-ridden at the thought of leaving him there. We walk in, he goes upstairs to play while the other kids come trickling in, and nothing. No fear, no worries, no crying, no screaming, no anything. I let him know I am leaving and hear a faint-- bye mom. Upon my arrival to pick him up I am greeted with-- why are you here? Don't get me wrong I am so glad it wasn't like pulling teeth, but that is it? Nothing more? I mean I am his mom.

Well, I taught it this week and was brought to you by the letter C, the number 3, and clouds. I think the dog was a bigger hit than me, but so it goes. I took a few pictures of them during my stint as teacher- some are kind of blurry-sorry.

In these pictures, taken on my first day, the kids are 1. coloring in their abc books. 2. holding up the clouds they made. 3. making it rain.

Then we have day two. Each day I had one kid absent so if you notice a difference in kids-- this is why.

On the first day we went out to look for clouds-- nada. So we went out again the second day and-- no clouds!! Are you kidding me? So here are the kids looking for clouds.

Here are the kids being super cute and nothing else.

For snack we had cheese, crackers, and capri sun because they all start with C.

Picture of stuff we did. Colored the number 3, had the kids count out three poms, and then glued them to their number 3. Then we made the 3 main types of clouds-- cirrus, stratus, and cumulus.

Finally, it was play time! Ok so the room is a mess- what do you expect with 4 kids playing in there?

What did I learn from this? I learned if you ask a group of 3-yr-olds what they can tell you about clouds you will get these answers: my dress is pink, where is your dog, and I have an owie.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Good job, teacher! The kids are super-cute! I enjoyed reading this...