Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life is not dull around here

Last week we had a couple interesting events happen to us-- so I figure it is now or never time if I want to share.

The first one happened while we were in STL. I wasn't there, so this story may be exaggerated and/or not 100% accurate. Pete and I were out for the evening and we had family friends watching the boys at the hotel. The hotel room was a suite so 2 bedrooms connected by a large 'living' area. Luke was asleep in our room and Jack was in the living area with K and D. There was a noise in the other bedroom, but when it was checked out no one was in there. D popped his head in the hall and saw a housekeeper who said that she had been in the room putting mints on pillows and checking on towels or something. ( I just want to say that I find it weird that there is a practice in this hotel of putting mints on the pillows at like 8:30-9pm when guests are already checked in and could be asleep). Then some conversation was had about how there was a baby in the next bedroom / next door down the hall so not to go in there. I believe this was even repeated a couple different times-- next bedroom = baby= stay out! Well a few minutes later there is a noise coming from our bedroom so they go in to check it out and guess what they find.............housekeeper holding my baby!!!!! Yeah-- 1. we don't need mints we are already checked in 2. DON'T hold MY baby!! Apparently she thought he was abandoned and was comforting him-- 1. not crying 2. our stuff was still in the room 3. you were told mere minutes before by adults that there was a baby in there sleeping. * We kept the door bolted the rest of the time we were there.

The next story happened when we got back to town. Pete was studying one night and the kids were asleep, so I angled the computer screen toward my bed and was watching a movie. It was around 10:30pm when I hear a BANG BANG BANG at the door. It was an urgent knock, loud , and aggressive. I ignore it because earlier in the evening our neighbors had a bunch of cars parked in front of their house so I thought perhaps it was someone for them. Again a fierce banging this time accompanied by the rattling of the doorknob. Well, this is getting a little scary and I am not sure what to do. My instinct is to ignore it because I am home alone, but apparently this person really wants in my house. With that being said do I really want to answer the door to a person who wants in? Do I ignore it and then they come in anyway and are pissed because I didn't let them in? I need someone on the phone to comfort me as I head out to the living room so with door banging and doorknob turning I call Pete to ask his advice. He says to look through the peephole-- which doesn't tell me anything. Then he says to ask who it is. I try this and instead of words I am greeted with pounding on the door. I raise my voice and try again. It's the police! Oh man-- I don't trust people. I really have serious trust issues and in my mind I have actually thought about scenarios like this. In my mind I have always told myself-- don't let them in, if you have someone on the phone keep them on the phone, if not -try to get someone on the phone, call the police station to ask if they really sent people to your house, ask for their badges, and stay brave. I have gone over this in my mind a lot because like I said I have trust issues plus massive anxiety so I think about all these things a lot. Well, none of those things happened. Not a single one. I open the door to find two officers that I can see (turns out there were three).
Police: Does xyz lives here.
Me: No.
Police: Did he used to live here?
Me: I don't know we just started renting recently.
Police: What is your name?
Me: It is Rebecca.
Police: Can we come in there are a lot of moths out here? ( which is true we have like 60 moths the swarm our light)
Once in I immediately tell Pete I will call him back and hang up ( I mean I hang up? How stupid!?)
Police: What was your name again? When did you move in? Who else lives here? Do you have kids? (I answer all the questions) We need to see your id.
Me: Ok I will get it.
Police: I need to go with you.
Me: Um it is right here( pointing to my purse the policeman comes right next to me and my purse as I get out my wallet then gets out his walkie talkie thing and calls in my name and birthday).
Police: What is your dog's name?
Me: I tell him and they just stare. I begin to explain why he has that name, but then I stop myself because what if they just want know my dog's name to use it later- also they don't really care so I just stop talking mid-sentence.
Police: Ok things here are fine. We were here to issue an outstanding warrant and this was the last known address we will put in our notes that he is no longer at this address. Hopefully we won't be bothering you again.

I call Pete back immediately and my body and voice just start shaking. Pete said he was about to call the police to ask if they sent people to the house-- I am glad some of my paranoia has rubbed off on my husband. He has to finish something up but can leave to be home in half an hour. Good. I check on my kids and I check in their closets too. I go back to my room and don't relax at all until Pete comes home.

Well-- I finish my blog with two pictures of the kiddos because better to leave on a happy note.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got the St. Louis story 100% correct. Still freaks me out when I think of what could have happened.