1. Pete's phone wasn't charged so I didn't know what time he would be home and there was no way to find out. That afternoon I was starting to get all antsy. When would Pete be home? Jack said, " Mommy, I love daddy too, but I can wait. Here- have some of my patience." He then tossed some patience my way.
2.If I don't eat regularly I have blood sugar issues. I get dizzy, my jaw clenches, my heart feels like it is racing, and I become mean. I try to avoid people when I am like this and find food asap. I decided to make popcorn (we make it on the stove) and Jack saw what I was doing. He really wanted to help. I told him no that I was feeling sick and it would be best if I could just do it alone and real fast. He kept asking and again I said no because I was sick. Halfway through my making it he said, "Mom, if you are sick I can help you. I know how."
I was looking for pictures of Jack to post but in like 90% he is in just his underwear. I didn't feel real comfortable putting those on here, so I had to look back over the past month to find some that include clothes. I found these and remembered how handsome he looked. His smile is still a scrunched up face that isn't really a smile at all and does not involve seeing his eyes. Pete decided to teach him how to make a handsome face instead of a smiley face for the camera. The pictures below are Jack's handsome face pictures.
This picture is just because it is precious to see your kids asleep. I always love it. Plus, it shows how sweet our dog is even after Jack chases him around all day with swords and light sabers.
The next two pictures are to show the contrast in Jack's camera face and Luke's. Luke loves the camera and knows exactly what to do. If he sees the camera pointed in his direction he starts out with a small smile that then turns into what you see below. He holds the smile until the flash goes off. He knows what he is doing.
Thanks for sharing. Always love your blog updates!
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