Friday, April 17, 2009

Bits from our day

First, here are some things Jack has been saying lately.
-When standing on his step stool he looks in the mirror and says, "Lookin' Good Jack!"
-He makes up words like - side-o, dido, jack-ho, mot-o, nutt-o, and etc. He thinks this is so funny. (He also thinks sour cream is a made up word.)
- We saw two men on bikes today stopped and talking to each other. Jack informed us they were talking about eating hots.

Today was a beautiful day. Pete told me it was the best day, weather wise, in history. I don't know if it was that awesome, but it was pretty close. We met our friends today for a picnic at a local park. We had so much fun!! The collage is of all that fun. We decided it was so nice outside that we should take Tigran to the park. Jack loved seeing Tigran swim in the river. His favorite part was when Tigran dried himself off right next to him. We also stopped for a Polar Pop at Circle K. I am trying to cut down on my cokes, but really who can say no to a Polar Pop on a nice day? Apparently no one in town, on nice days the line at Circle K wraps around the inside of the store, and every single person has a Polar Pop.

Tomorrow we will be attending Spring Fest. We have seen tents all around campus, but didn't fully realize what they were for until we spoke to Heather. After looking online I thought this was something we would all enjoy. I am very excited.

One last note, we have two bumper stickers on our car. One is an Obama '08 sticker and the other is a Mother Teresa quote reading, " It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." During the election I was at first quick to announce my backing of Obama, but after more and more time learning about his views on FOCA I did have a hard time putting my complete support behind him. I did vote for him even though I follow the Catholic line on life because I was very concerned about other matters. I often look at our car and wonder what people say to themselves when they see our bumper stickers. I worry that the people at church might confront us and tell us we are evil. ( Until I saw a bumper sticker saying: Ordain women or stop baptizing them. ) I always feel a bit odd when conservative minded people and liberals see our car. No one has ever said anything until yesterday. I was putting Jack in the car after going to the store. A woman with two children looks at me and tells me my bumper stickers are contradictory. I am glad I had my sunglasses on because otherwise she would have seem me moving my eyes back and forth trying so hard to think of something pithy or intellectual to say. Instead, after a few moments, I just say," Uh, yeah they are." She says, "Well, at least you think for yourself." This is true. I would say in this house that is one thing that is very very true- we think for ourselves. I am extremely grateful for that.

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