Wednesday, March 2, 2011

OOPS.... We did it again

If I hadn't known, these things would surely have given it away.

-Gagging at the mere thought of drinking coke. Bending over and actually coughing so much that Jack comes running into the kitchen to find out what is wrong. When he asks if it is a cold and will I be sick forever I can simply say yes it is and I really hope not.

-Changing a diaper and having the same reaction as above. Then thinking that the next two months are going to be really really long.

-We ordered spring rolls, I took a bite only to find shrimp inside and hours later the mere thought of it caused a reaction just as bad as the original.

-Pete and Jack wanted to look at doughnuts in the store but the smell made me go hang out by the bread.

-In the parking lot I smelled someone smoking and about died. Pete informed me that yes someone was smoking---in the next county.

-Eating all day long, but only being able to eat things like: bananas, cereal, bagels with peanut butter, popcorn, eggs, grilled cheese, and occasionally peanut butter and jelly. When I would try to eat a granola bar with small bits of chocolate the few chocolate bits were entirely too sweet. Sadly, all sweet things sent shivers down my spine.

-While washing my hair with my normal shampoo I began to wonder just how many chemicals were in it and if I really need to wash my hair anymore.

-Going to bed at 8pm and sleeping until 7am 

Of course the next two things were dead give aways.
Obvious sign #1 from early January

Obvious sign #2 from early February

Early March--today
Early March-today

Baby's ETA is early September.


Tiffany Alldredge Smith said...

WOW!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!

Kimberlee said...

That's great news! Congrats! I'm so happy for your family. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

Steph Scott said...

Congrats! What good news!

The Tate Fam said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!