Saturday, March 12, 2011

More Exciting Weigel News

We do have some more news but first you have to look at pictures of Luke. I would have added Jack pictures but he has been naked a lot so you know-- not really picture appropriate.

Luke was going through my purse when he found a sucker. Within moments he had it open. I let him try it out for a few minutes then took it away. He really seemed to enjoy it.

This is just Luke putting frog hat on and off.
Sometimes Luke gets to try his hand at brushing his teeth. After he ate one of Jack's bath crayons and had yellow wedged between his teeth I thought it might be a good night to practice.

Ok so the news-- I may be announcing it a bit prematurely, but people are starting to find out anyway so I figure why not share it on a large scale.

After about a year of not feeling 100% comfortable with the math path he(Pete) picked a change is in the process of being made. He hasn't made the change yet- this is why I say it is a bit premature. Still, here it is. A slightly different area of math(differences I know nothing about so I can't tell you the details) and a new adviser have been selected. The change seems like nothing exciting until you find out that the new adviser is moving away from Purdue. We will spend next school year here at Purdue while his new adviser spends it at Princeton. Pete will get to visit Princeton a couple times next year. Then in June 2012 the big news happens---we will move to Germany for 1 or 2 years. Yes, I will be readying a family of 3 kids and maybe a dog to move to Germany. At the time of the move our children will be 5,2,9months and our dog will be 7. Since we are still a little more than a year away I am currently making lists of questions, concerns,and thoughts to be worked out once we get more details and are a year or less from move day. We will be moving to Munster Germany so I have provided a map of Germany so you can see where in Germany we will be.

Things we do know: 1. this is the univeristy Pete will be working at in Munster.
2. His degree will still be from Purdue

Ok so that is all we know. It isn't a ton, but it is a start. We will take what we can get. I have decided that Pete likes to make big life changes when I am pregnant. Perhaps he feels left out or something-- not sure. It was when I was pregnant with Jack that he let it be known he wanted to quit his job, sell our house, and get a PhD. Now that I am pregnant again decisions have been made that put us on the path to European living. I never expected to be the the type of girl to just go with it but apparently I am. It will be a stressful time and the getting there part will be difficult with packing and kids and etc., but once we are there it will be a great time. I have been looking at pictures and it really is a beautiful and very historic city. Plus, Pete is already feeling more at peace which is a wonderful thing to see after a year of seeing him struggle.


Maxwells said...

Thats crazy!!!! Get some Rosetta stone :)

The Tate Fam said...

That sounds like an awesome adventure! I would love to live overseas for a year or so! Good luck with all the detail, it's probably overwhelming!