Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

This morning started out busy--

I didn't realize that the snow melting = muddy yard so Tigran comes in and runs through the house with muddy paws. I had to trap him in the kitchen and clean up the floors. Blah. Then I stick Jack and Luke in the tub and Luke poops. I have to rush to grab Jack so he doesn't freak out. I had to clean the tub and the toys with bleach because well- you know. School was at our house today ,and in the AM, so there was a lot going on this morning.

At school today we made candy necklaces, decorated valentine bags, made little foam valentine's, ate yummy cookies, and handed out valentine cards. It was fun. Here are some pictures of what we did.

The chocolate strawberries are not from school, but from our dinner tonight. Pete grilled steaks, we had asparagus, and bread with dipping oil. It was all super yummy.

Here are some pictures of the boys.

Jack wanted some pictures with him and his sword. Crazy face.

Luke has started crawling like a proper baby-- most of the time.

Jack and Luke battling

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your stories and pics always bring a smile to my face ;)