Monday, November 15, 2010

zipple points

Things have gotten a better around here -- yay for that. At the height of all the chaos Jack made the decision to forgo the toilet. We were out in public- accident. Standing in the kitchen looking out the window- accident. At night, in pull-ups, he was going so much he would leak through the pull-up and get everything saturated. This never happened before. One night he woke up late night/early morning (depends on your perspective) and wanted to sleep on the couch- huge stain the next morning. It was then that I was done. I was mad, livid, and just pure tired. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!!!! I made the decision that if we were going to have all these accidents anyway then the pull-ups were gone. That is right no more pull-ups at night. Maybe it sounds stupid, Pete was not so sure, but I was so upset, he decided not to get involved. The first night was what you would expect-- no getting up to go when he had to go, just changing clothes in the night, and eventually getting his blanket so wet he needed another because he was cold. I meant business. I was not going to sway or give in. The next night, he got up ( Pete was the one awake) and was made to go to the bathroom, told to go back in his room because he is no longer allowed to sleep on the couch. The child was mad, but he did it. Success-- no pees. We have been doing this for 5 days and 2 days there were no accidents and he got up to pee, even if he was upset about it, and last night there was only one small accident. He gets Zipple points when he is dry all night. This is basically 50¢ on a chart that goes up to $5 at which point he can buy a toy. He loves Zipple Points and he loves coloring in his chart. So boom-- apparently you can parent out of anger.

Last week Jack went into the bathroom and told Pete he was successful. (My kid likes to announce his successes and failures after most trips). A few minutes later he announced he had to go again. Pete was a bit suspicious of this and informed him that he had just gone. Jack said, "No I didn't." Pete replied, " You just told me you did." Jack then looked at Pete and said, " You don't know me. You don't know what I do."
*He apparently likes this phrase now because he uses it all the time.

Jack told Pete that he wanted a hammer head yak for Christmas. Pete told him that they didn't make those so he would have to think of other things. Jack goes, "Dad, the elves will help Santa make it."

We got out the Fisher- Price Barn and House for Luke to play with this weekend-- Jack took command of the house. He pretends it is a mountain where dragons live. Luke is not allowed near it and of course, this means that it is the only Luke wants to play with now. Jack is not pleased at all. Jack has been spotted pushing his brother, using his elbow to steer Luke's head away from the toy, and etc. Please do not feel sorry for Squeezer, he was spotted crawling on top of Jack and actually pushing Jack to the ground.

Oh, and before I forget one last Jack story. A few mornings ago I woke up because I heard Squeezy making noise. I go into his room and there is Jack hanging out- this isn't odd so no worries. I then go to reach for Luke when I noticed crumbs all over the bed. I turn to Jack and notice he is eating a cinnamon roll. I say, " Jack did you give Luke a cinnamon roll?" Jack says," No you told me he couldn't have them. I wanted to give him candy, but I couldn't open it. Instead I gave him bread." Ok. Fine. Hmm. Not sure how to proceed. I say, "Did he eat it?" Jack says, "Oh yeah I gave him 5 pieces." *** This fact is verified by the fact we had over half a loaf of bread before morning naps but none after. *** We also believe Tigran helped eat the bread. Skip to this morning. I start waking up because I hear Luke so I go into his room to get him. Again, I am greeted with Jack and the addition of Tigran in Luke's room. I immediately notice that the floor, the baby, and the bed are all covered in crumbs-plus Tigran was licking his lips, but upon seeing me high-tailed it out of there. So here we go again, "Jack did you feed Luke oyster crackers?" Jack replies, " Yeah, I know he really likes bread, but I couldn't find it, so I gave him oyster crackers instead." *** He gave Luke and Tigran an entire plastic container full of oyster crackers a la dumping them all over the mattress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your stories. I am going to keep these parenting tips in mind. I think you have come up with some great ideas. For real!!!! I can see myself doing the same thing. Your boys are so cute. I love Jack's sayings. :)