Monday, August 23, 2010

bye-bye summer /hello baby Luke

Oh man, I felt that breeze this morning and can tell fall is well on its way. I know that it is supposed to be 87 this afternoon, which does not indicate fall, but early in the morning there is a crispness in the air that wasn't there last week. Plus, drive around and you will see leaves on the ground! What?! Balderdash I say. Time it suck it up and realize that summer does not last forever. I like autumn, it is my second favorite season ,but it gets a bad rap since it follows my absolute favorite season.

Enough about the seasons-- baby Luke is 6 months old. So some stats and updates on the big guy. He is in the 25th percentile for weight and height. I always think of him as huge because Jack was in the 5th percentile, but really he is still below the 50th percentile so he isn't as big as I imagine him to be. His head is getting bigger- he is up to like the 75-90th percentile now. He's got smarts. He isn't overly interested in learning how to do the whole tripod sitting thing so it is still a work in progress. Not to give the kid a bad rap he is getting better at it, but he learned how to army crawl and that is just so much cooler. He has two teeth on the bottom and the good doctor said that the top two will be coming in very soon. He is always hungry and if you stop feeding him before he is done then it will be the only time you see him get mad-- and he gets very mad! Normally he is such a happy happy baby, content, laid back, and just amazing. He has the best smile and the cutest laugh. We are going to have to move him out of our room in the next month, after we get our drop-side crib fixed since they recalled all those, and let him start crying it out. He has a habit of waking up at 12ish and 3ish so those have to stop. I am trying to mentally prepare myself for it. I know it won't be as bad as Jack. That was gut-wrenching. The books all say they only cry for 45 mins. max-- LIES!!! Jack cried non-stop for 4 hours and then on and off crying for the next 2 and this lasted about 4 or 5 days. I will say after that Jack slept better than anyone (until he was 2.5 yrs).

Jack is doing well too and is starting to do more interactive play with other children, and I believe other kids are now fighting dragons too. He is telling everyone he meets that he is 3 and rarely tells them his name. We are reading everything we can about dinosaurs- he loves to have us read facts. How long was the dinosaur? How many years ago did it live? What did it eat? We even read the glossary, and if you try to skip it he opens the book back up. He is starting to venture into the world of veggies- asparagus and green beans- because we told him that asparagus makes your pee stink. This led to him eating a few bites and then jumping up and peeing right away-- Pete smelled it and passed out only to be revived by a dinosaur. It was quite the scene. This worked so well we told him green beans make your pee smell too-- so the whole smelling of the pee and passing out happened again. At least he is trying vegetables which he 100% refused until now.

I take the boys out front a couple times a week to play under our big tree so here are a couple pictures.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love the pic of Jack and Luke! Luke is getting so big!!! Super cute boys, Beck!