Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Covert Roller

Over the past week Luke has gone from a child who needed to be held, hated to sleep in his play pen, and had to eat every 2 hours on the dot to a child who loves his play mat, will sleep 10 hours at night in his play pen, and just seems all around happier. It all started with a hit on the head. Not sure if it was causation or correlation, but life around here has gotten easier.

About this hit on the head - I put him down on our bed , and about an hour later I hear a frantic cry like I haven't heard before. I run into the bedroom and there is Luke on the floor. I figured he had rolled right off our bed. This was confirmed when his Granny saw him roll while we were at Wicked. Then during his nap he began crying a bit earlier than I expected, I walk in and there he is on his back looking like a flipped over turtle; his arms and legs flailing about. The same thing happened during the night; it isn't as cute at 1am. I have tried putting him on his stomach during the day, but he refuses to show off this new skill. So for now he remains my covert roller.

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