My goal for the rest of my pregnancy was to be as positive and stress free as possible. I knew I was dragging people down with all my complaining, but then that day there was an incident that has brought some stress back into our lives. However, I hope I am handling it well and putting it in perspective because it could have been far worse than it was and we were/are the least affected by it.
Pete went to study and parked our car on the street across from the coffee shop. After a bit there was all this commotion outside. It turns out that two young teenage boys stole a car from a bar parking lot and went for a joy ride. The cops began to pursue them and the boys began to disobey all traffic laws in order to flee from the police. This caused them to t-bone a couple's car at an intersection. The couple ended up hitting a cement pole of some sort and both were critically injured. The car the boys were in then began to flip and came to rest upside down on the trunk of our car. They were treated with minor injuries and are now in custody. Here is the news story-
car wreck.
So obviously, we came out way ahead in the situation because Pete wasn't in the car and it was just the car. Still it is frustrating because now our car is not only wrecked( to what degree we don't know) but it is also in police custody since it is part of a crime scene. We haven't been told yet when we will get it back ( it could be 2 weeks- 6months)so at the moment we are carless. However, we are very lucky that we are surrounded by so many kind people. There is a couple in the math department with two cars, so they loaned us one of their cars for the week to get stuff done. How amazingly generous of them! It has been helpful because we needed groceries, to do laundry, finish a few Christmas things up, go to appts., and get a new car seat for Jack. What a wonderful blessing to have them offer. Then we had another great family offer a car seat for a few days. This has been another wonderful gift because to run all these errands with no car seat would be impossible. So thank you Tate family for the car seat!!
We have a voucher for a free car seat from the Transportation Department, but after calling numerous times and getting in touch with no one, I finally called the number for the state wide program. Turns out the number on the voucher is the wrong number. So luckily, we figured it out and tomorrow Jack gets a new car seat.
We have plans over Christmas to visit family and again so many people have been so generous to us. The Allen's offered us the use of their car for the whole trip- which is unbelievably kind but something we just didn't feel comfortable doing. My sister offered to drive here and pick us up and my other sister offered to drive us halfway to our next destination which is so so kind as well. However, I think we will be going with the renting a car option that my wonderful in-laws offered. It is truly great to see so much kindness.
After the Christmas season we will just buy a new car so that we have reliable transportation since Big Baby will be making his appearance in a couple months. We were planning on buying a new car anyway, but this just makes it more needed.
Even though Jack was not part of this crash and did not see it or the car he has been somewhat traumatized. When he learned that we didn't have a car and that he didn't have a car seat he was very confused. Pete then decided to re-enact it with his matchbox cars. Jack has been obsessed with doing the same thing ever since then. He either does it with the matchbox cars as well or he uses the green push car and his John Deere. The first night we had the borrowed car Pete had to go some place, and Jack just completely broke down. He cried and cried and told Pete not to take the car. He told him that he could walk or take the bus but not to take the car. I had no idea it would bother him so much. He ended up sleeping in our room that night because any time he was alone he would just cry.
This is Jack's take on the situation now that it has all calmed down some:
Hello people: our trunk is bumped and my car seat got in a wreck. We are borrowing a jeep.
I think that about sums it up.