Saturday, June 6, 2009

Who knew Houdini lived here

We have been back in IN for almost a week, but upon arriving home our computer was and well still is behaving erratically. Anyway, we have some more pictures from our KY trip.

While in Morehead Jack learned to climb out of the playpen we use while visiting. Not wanting to train him to sleep alone while we were away from home, but also having to deal with his ability to climb out of bed, led us to fall asleep with him in our bed every night. We went to a wedding in Somerset and there was a crib in our room. Since the crib was higher I thought Jack would be able to sleep in there just fine. I went to take a shower after putting him to bed, and heard a noise that I couldn't place. Upon leaving the bathroom and going back upstairs I saw that Jack climbed out of the crib and brought into the hall all everything we brought with us. Oh my. He ended up sleeping with us the rest of the trip.

I told you of the mayhem he caused in Henderson by flushing soap in the toilet, well trouble is never far when Jack is around. While in Somerset he climbed out of the bed that he was sharing with us, got my lipstick, and colored all over the carpet. Yes oh yes. Lipstick is not something that comes out of the carpet easily. He really is a handful at times.

As is always the case when visiting Granny and Pappy, Jack spent almost every waking hour outside on the lawnmowers. To say he is merely interested would in no way do justice to his obsession.

** As far as Jack's sleeping arrangements now that we are back in IN?? Well that is a story for another day.

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