Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weigel Christmas

When I was little Christmas meant we saw everyone either on Christmas or Christmas and the 26th.  My whole family, both sides, lived about 20 minutes away from us.  That isn't the case anymore.  Now we have to load up the car, the dog, and the kid and drive to visit our families.  That takes away from sharing Christmas morning with Jack at home.  So we decided to have Christmas morning today.  I have been eagerly awaiting today, I kept wanting to give him his presents early.  I was the first to get up, just like when I was little, and with butterflies in my tummy  I walked into the living room wondering what I would do until everyone else woke up.  Staring into the empty room I decided to make sure Jack wasn't awake.   He was still sleeping quite soundly, I know I made noise. I go over to his bed and just sort of nudge him.  Slowly he opens his eyes.  I tell him Santa came and then bring him in to wake up Pete.  While they are snuggling in bed, still very tired, I set up the camcorder.  Next, I go back and tell them it is time to get things started.  Pete told Jack that Santa and Rudolph came to bring him gifts, not presents, gifts.  

How fun, last year Jack was too small to know what was going on at all.  Today he was ready.  He was peeking in the bags before Pete had his coffee.  Then it was time to move on to wrapped presents.  Jack wanted to start with the largest gifts.  It was great to see him smile after every gift, and he even told Santa thank you after opening each one.  He loved his gifts and we loved seeing him so happy.

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