Friday, July 18, 2008

head banger

So The close up picture of Jack's face is just a snapshot into our life at the moment. I stay home with Jack all day, and every day this kid ends up with some sort of scratch, scrape, or bruise of some sort, and I have NO idea how!! He ends up falling, tripping, tumbling, or something on everything lately. People must think I am a horrible parent. They say, " So what what happened to him?" I respond, "I have no idea." They just sort of look at me and go, " Oh, I guess that happens." Of course it happens-- he is almost 1.5 yrs. Come on people don't you remember when your son was that age?

Jack has also become our little head banger lately. When you tell Jack no or when he can't quite figure something out, he goes to our door and bangs his head against it a few times, then he shifts to the closet door and bangs his head. After he finishes he just looks at me like--see what I did, doesn't that hurt you? It reminds me of my sister, Mary. In my house growing up, we had this brick wall, and Mary would always bang her head on that the brick wall-she constantly had huge knots on her forehead. The doctor told my mother it was just a phase and she would grow out it, and eventually she did. I keep telling myself that, but it is still tough. Pete tells me to ignore it because Jack is doing it to get my attention and/or a rise out of me. I was doing ok at ignoring it until he started doing it on our glass coffee table--I really don't want him to get a huge glass splinter stuck in his head.

The next picture is of Elsie and Jack. If ever a kid loved and adored another kid--- Jack LOVES Elsie. He follows her, he obviously tries to impress her or does what she is doing in order to gather favorable opinion, and no matter what she is doing he smiles or laughs--hard. He has even started sucking up to her mom just so he can be near her. I think, on occasion, Tamri gets more hugs than I do. Elsie is a girl who wants her space and isn't a big fan of the overt crush-- she often pushes Jack out of the way and tells him NO! Jack doesn't quite grasp this and he comes right back for more. I can tell the next few years-- ok now until he is married-- will be quite a time.

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