*What do you do when your son asks why his best friend doesn't want to play or tells him that today he is friends with someone else? I know the friend doesn't mean anything bad by it and that by the end of the day or the next time they see each other they will be friends again, but Jack doesn't understand and to him it just hurts. If you are going to be a friend then you are a friend everyday. I know it is a phase kids go through where they think they can only be friends with one person at a time, but it still breaks your heart when you see that your kid is sad.
*Today I was chaperone on Jack's field trip and on the wagon ride I sat next to a mom that I had seen a few times and we starting chatting, my hearing isn't the greatest so when she asked me a question I used context to respond, my response was an emphatic yes. The follow-up comment led me to realize I completely misunderstood what she said. She had asked if I was done after three boys, and while my YES! response made her laugh a bit, it wasn't what I intended. I then tried to amend my mistake by saying well maybe in a few years I will change my mind. I wonder if my subconscious is trying to tell me I am done. People now ask if I am going to go for the girl. Well.... I want to say I went for the all boy line-up and got it so maybe I shouldn't push my luck.
*Lately, listening to the radio or reading magazines I have heard a lot of: so and so is thinking about having kids but they are ONLY 25. Hmm.. I was 25 when I had kids(Pete was 24). Or I hear people say they want to get married young like by 25 and I think well I was 23 when I got married. It irritates me that the media feels the need to determine when people should get married and have kids.
*I have come to learn that I am not a huge fan of the- Fairness Stage. Jack is very concerned about what is fair.
B:Jack, get out of the kitchen
J: Squeezy needs to get out too. Come on Squeeze you need come.
B: You need to eat your food
J: Squeeze needs to eat his food too
B: You need to sit on your bottom and not lay down on the bus
J: But Maddox is doing it
It is quite stressful/annoying for mom to constantly have to justify and explain.