Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We Survived

I survived my 4 days of solo parenting. I didn't realize how tired I was until Pete came home- then I sort of crashed for a day, but I am up and at 'em today.

 We have been surviving the adjustment to baby pretty well. There are things that I wish would work themselves out a bit faster, but it is all part of adding a new person to the family dynamic. Luke NEVER just looks at the baby or gently touches him, it is ALWAYS a full assault of hitting, smashing, poking, pushing, prodding, and squeezing. Now any time Luke goes within 10 ft. of Thomas I automatically just say, "Luke no stop!" Jack has taken it a different way, sometimes he will just go up to the baby and scream in his face, but mostly he is very helpful when it comes to the baby, but has taken to letting his anger out on other people or through his 'babies'. The babies are these guys that are miniscule but do a lot of damage, violence, and just plain old foul mischief, and he either just tells stories where they do all this bad business or sometimes they get the blame when bad things happen. It is almost all he talks about anymore-- I am pretty tired of the babies.

 Pete thought the IAS campus was beautiful. He says it is set in the woods and is just gorgeous. He also walked through Princeton's campus and thought that it was something out of a movie. I guess we know where his aims are set for the future-- either place would do just fine. He was able to work through some part of his problem and that was very exciting and definitely worth the trip. He gets to go back in October for longer, so maybe there will be more math breakthroughs.

On day 3 we had a McDonalds picnic in the park

Adventurous Luke- he even managed to make it up the play structure and down the largest slide on the whole playground before I could get to him.

Jack making the bee go back and forth fast/hard- this was the only time Luke held on

Morning of Day 4-- a more laid back day.

1 comment:

Maxwells said...

Princeton is only an hour from me. Move and you can come hang out :)