Saturday, September 17, 2011

Two Days Down and Two to Go

Pete went on a vacation to Newark, and can you believe it, he left us behind?!  Ha- ok so he really went to Princeton/IAS to study with his adviser, but the boys and I did stay behind. In order to remember things to tell Pete I thought I would write them down. Then I figured they would probably be pretty funny so I should share them with everyone so this is a combination of the two.

Day 1
-Decide to let L and J play in tub to waste away some of the morning. While I am blow drying my hair J says, "Mom look what L is doing." I turn and see that L has Pete's razor and is trying to shave his head. He was actually holding it correctly so-- Good Job?

-J kept pouring water on L while L was already putting his face to the water to blow bubbles. After being told a few times not to do this, and once I go back to blow drying my hair, I notice in the mirror L is trying hard to get out of the tub and has obviously been the victim of a water attack. I turn off the hair dryer ask J if he did this and when he confirmed it. I said, "That is too bad." As he had already let the water out of the tub I grabbed a large cup, filled it with COLD water, and just dumped it on his head. Let me say he was not pleased. I asked him if I had already warned him about doing that, I asked him if he was allowed to do that, and I asked him if he was familiar with our rule about payback-- he understood but he wasn't happy.

-J built a yard out of blocks and so excited to show me and just as we entered his room L began to destroy it. Mostly because he wanted to play with just the blocks J was using and not any of the extra blocks around him. J screamed NO!! and went to take the block back, but L grabbed J's hand and bit down HARD! I mean it was pretty ferocious- it left marks for quite awhile. Poor J- he got to sit on my lap while L had to go to timeout.

-After dropping J off at school and upon arriving at home L thought he would go for a little walk--only he didn't let me know. I got T out of the car and noticed L was about two houses away so I had to chase him down while carrying the car seat carrier.

After school I needed to find something for them to do so even though it was 60 the water bucket was brought out

They absolutely loved it
Day 2
- The morning wasn't too bad. Can you believe it? I think if you just stick in Dora/Diego things go pretty well. I knew it wouldn't last too long so we headed to the library. Things went pretty well but L didn't understand he wasn't supposed to take every single book he saw off the shelf. Then at the end L didn't want to leave; he decided to play chase instead. While I was trying to track him down J refused to stop playing with the automatic doors, and I heard the librarians remind him he couldn't leave without his mom.

-After naps I knew I had to get the kids out of the house so I didn't spend the next few hours just yelling  at them. I also knew that getting them all out of the house would involve some, well obstacles, in the course of our outing but in the long run it would be worth it. I wanted to have Jack ride his bike at the bog so off we went. However, our timing was a bit off and the traffic from the Purdue game was not going to let us go to the bog. Hmm....I decided that we would go to Cumberland Park instead and bike that path which would also take us to a very small playground at the end. The problem with this outing wasn't Jack at all it was Luke-- he can't quite ride a bike yet no matter how much he wants to. I knew he would have to walk but the question was how long could he walk? J was a pro on his bike I was so proud/impressed, I guess riding bikes at school every afternoon has really helped. Things started out well- Baby T in my Baby Bjorn, Luke walking, and J riding his bike. Then 1.) the kids were dressed for a midwest morning not a midwest afternoon so L got super hot! 2.) His ability to walk apparently wasn't very long. 3.) Pete called at just the break down moment. So it ended up that J kept riding ahead having to pause every so often, T stayed in his bjorn, L had to be carried on and off(mostly carried), and I talked to Pete on the phone all at the same time. The afternoon ended up being pretty warm so I had the boys take off their shirts half way through the walk/bike ride. Once we arrived at the playground L enjoyed the geese and J enjoyed the swings. Then we had to leave but J wanted to bike the loop by the playground first so we started off -well I should say J and I started off. J biked ahead, but L didn't want to leave the play area. I ended up carrying him until he was too heavy then he decided to walk in the yards of the houses surrounding the path. I got him away from there but he didn't want to walk and I wasn't ready to carry him yet so he threw himself on the ground every few steps. By this time J was already halfway done with the loop and we weren't anywhere close to halfway done. I then decided to entice him with the geese ahead, which worked kind of until they raised up and began flapping their wings. L was so surprised he fell down crying. I carried him for a bit after this but carrying him with the baby in the bjorn wasn't the easiest thing to do. We stopped at the shelters for water which I thought would help but instead made L even crankier. I ended up either carrying L over my shoulder or listening to him cry as he slowly made his way down the path. I will say thank goodness J and T were both very good during this whole thing. It made life loads easier.

This is how we have been eating dinner -shhh don't tell anyone

Just so you can see that Baby T is hanging out with us

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