Wednesday, February 17, 2010

He's still got it

For anyone who had worried that perhaps young stinky had lost it-- don't you worry he's still got it. That mischievous streak is still in him.
I am not feeling well today-I have a cold or something- so I have been having my own timeouts. The first one consisted of a hot shower. My son brought some cars into the bathroom and played with them on the counter while I bathed. A few minutes later I heard the door open and close and young stinky left the bathroom. Oh well, I wasn't about to leave the hot water. After my shower, I discover my son covered in ketchup. He had poured almost a bottle of ketchup into a container that was on the coffee table. It was his turn for a bath now-- too bad I had used all the hot water. Oh well, that is what happens when you are naughty. So a few hours later I started feeling under the weather again and decided to lay down in bed for a few minutes. At first I heard him playing with his cars, but then I guess I can began to drift into sleep, and the sound of silence woke me. I called to him and nothing. I tried again and again- finally he came in. His head was completely white and so was part of his face. Turns out he had discovered the Desitin. It also turns out that another bath was in order. Please note that Jack hates baths that involve actually washing him-he cries, screams, and throws a fit. I had to wash his hair twice and apparently Desitin doesn't come out with shampoo. The only thing I could think to do was cut his hair. I got out the electric clippers and Desitin is too thick to use with clippers. I got out the scissors. I am no hairstylist so I just started cutting. Now some of the Desitin came out but he had sufficiently coated his head so I figured it was time to try washing it a third time. This did not help. So what we are left with is seen below. I would have kept cutting, but then he wouldn't have any hair and his scalp would still be covered in Desitin. I know it looks wet but it isn't.

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