Sunday, November 1, 2009


A few days before Halloween I had my 20 week ultra-sound. She tried quite hard to do some more 3-D ultrasound pictures, but the cord was floating right in front of Big Baby's face and there was also an arm resting on the forehead, they ended up not being any good. :(

She switched back to regular ultrasound pictures and got a few good shots. We got confirmation that Big Baby is in fact a boy!! Very exciting. 1. We were hoping for a boy- after all our adventures don't ask me why I wanted to add to the trouble- but I did. 2. Since Jack and Big Baby will more than likely share the same birthday month we don't have to buy any new clothes- score!

Here is a picture or two of me. I am starting to get bigger and even since these pictures were taken I have gotten bigger and gained 5.5 lbs. Oh my! According to the ultrasound I am due March 7th-ish. Pete is really hoping Big Baby is born after Jack's birthday- it will be cutting it close, but it may happen.

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