Thursday, July 30, 2009

oh me oh my

We all have those weeks where you say: Are you sure it isn't the weekend?!
Although, in my case, I don't think the weekend will solve anything. Sometimes we call Jack - Stinky- I think we should amend this to Stinker. He has been getting into all sorts of fun things this week. At the moment I really could go for a beer or two, but of course being that is not even noon I will abstain-- ok and I am not allowed to drink right now.

I won't be able to carry Jack or do a lot of things for him in the months to come so I began to teach him he could do some things for himself. This has spilled over in ways I didn't quite expect. First, one morning at 7am Jack walks into the bedroom and says: It was really cool when the eggs crashed and made a mess. Needless to say I was awake after that. He was hungry and wanted to make eggs so he got them out, and they ended up cracked and broken all over the kitchen floor. Another incident occurred around midnight. I got up to go to the bathroom when Jack came up to me and said:Mommy come here come here. Made a mess. Need to clean up lemonade. He takes me into his room and there is an empty pitcher on his little table, a cup full of lemonade, and a huge mess. I go into the kitchen to get something to clean it up only to realize that most of the mess is on the kitchen floor, as evident by the wet stickiness all over my feet. He was just thirsty.

Last night we locked Jack's bedroom door, something we haven't been doing lately because it really upsets him. I guess to let out his frustration he went into the changing table, which is mostly used as toy storage these days but still contains baby powder and etc. , and decided to powder bomb everything in his room. I do mean EVERYTHING! He used 1.5 bottles of baby powder.

This morning it still wasn't cleaned up but the powder had been moved into the bathroom. Jack went into his room to play-- or so I thought until he came out covered in powder and holding the powder. Nice. We cleaned up after that. While I was vacuuming I heard a noise. It turns out Jack was throwing balls at Tigran. Not to Tigran, but at Tigran. Now Tigran is hiding under the table. After all this I needed to go to the bathroom. I turn the knob and it is locked. What?! When did this even happen? I had to pull out the old screwdriver and learn on the spot how to be a master locksmith.

I forgot to mention that this morning Jack also felt the need to help make daddy's coffee. There were coffee grinds in his hair, on the floor, and in the coffee pot that was already full of actual coffee.

Oh, I guess I can say- things are never ever dull around here. At least not for long.
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Anonymous said...

You are a trooper! I can't even believe some of the things that kid thinks of. You seem to have a great attitude, though. How can you not love such a face as that, though?

Jessica said...

Wow! What a week! It's good to hear others stories. Then I don't feel so bad about what goes on at our house. Everyone gets there share of craziness!

Unknown said...

W0W! How are your hormones dealing with all this? You poor momma!