Sunday, March 30, 2014

My baby weight vs Luke

I don't really remember how fast I did or didn't lose the baby weight after Luke or Thomas, but I feel like it happened faster than it is happening this time. Of course, I did gain more weight this time. Anyway, while I am having some difficulty coming to terms with the fact that two months out and I am still only able to wear maternity pants, it seems that my Luke is also having problems with it. Here are a few things he has said to add salt to my wounds.

-While sitting in my lap one day he leaned back and then immediately began to almost cry, for real, and said, " Mommy, will you ever be skinny again?"

-He noticed my leftover baby pooch and asked if I had another baby in there. When I told him no he said that I still had a big belly and looked like I was going to have a baby. I reassured him that I was not pregnant and he said, "Oh, so you just like to eat too much."

- Seeing me getting dressed, "You should go to aerobics."

Gotta say- Not loving the honesty.

Not about my weight but about babies

-Last week he was again interested in me having more babies so he said, " Your anniversary is coming up so you will have another baby."

-When you have another baby soon it will be a boy.

Does he think that since I have the pooch of a 3 month pregnant lady that I may as well just get pregnant again?

Hoping that he doesn't have a direct connection with the future and knows something I don't because we are not planning on baby #5.

Luke with Meg

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