Sunday, February 3, 2013

fingerpaints and playdough

When bored, tired of doing the same thing, and mom is sick of the Power Rangers, it is time to be creative. This meant trying homemade finger paints. We made two different batches to see which we liked best. The first we made on the stove with cornstarch, water, and food coloring. It was really cool feeling and looking. However, as we started using it there were far too many lumps and gloopies, as we called them.

Then we tried a simply light corn syrup plus food coloring combination. Yes, it was sticky, but it was by far the favorite. It was smooth and bright so the kids loved it.

The next day we looked at the pictures and I don't think we have found the perfect concoction, but it was fun trying. The cornstarch one dried very hard and cracked when you moved the paper. The corn syrup one had a neat glossy feel to it but was still slightly sticky.

Jack had to make a sock puppet for school so we decided to do it while still in an artistic mind set. Here is Super Kid Golly.

Last week we made playdough and Luke still loves playing with it. We made one large green batch that we stick in a plastic baggie-easy transport. It has helped make his coming with me to aerobics bearable-just bring the playdough and he has something to do until he feels comfortable enough to run around with the other kids. It is so fun-here is the recipe.
 1 cup white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoon cream of tartar 
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup water
food coloring
Mix first 4 ingredients in a pan. Add water and mix well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 3 – 5 minutes. Dough will become difficult to stir and form a “clump”. Remove from stove and knead for 5 minutes–add food coloring during kneading process

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