Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We don't have it together-ever

I think that there should be some government program where you find teenagers who want to have kids and then send them to a family that never has it together that way they can see what life is really like. If you pay me I am more than willing to help discourage 16-year-olds from wanting to start a family so young.

 Luke has been battling a fever, I thought it was getting better but at 2:30am it spiked. I run a cold bath and neither of us are at all happy to be there. Once we get settled back into bed, Pete decides to sleep in the Luke's bed. At 6am his fever spikes again, so I put a cold wet washcloth on his forehead-- he was not pleased with this and kept throwing it off his head. This is usually the time I get up and get breakfast going and make Jack's lunch, but today I knew Pete would be dropping Jack off by himself, plus Jack had already raided the fridge for bologna so we settled back into bed. Luke never did make it back to sleep but he did manage to kick me in my back, side, chest, neck, butt, and legs for about 20 minutes before I made him go sleep on the couch.

At noon we get a phone call saying Jack has a 102 fever. Turns out that his teacher noticed Jack wasn't his usual active and exuberant self and sent him to the nurse. Gotta love that it was Jack's lack of karate which tipped off the teacher. The nurse said when she asked Jack questions he wouldn't or couldn't respond because he felt so badly and once she told him he could lay on the cot he was asleep in about 30 seconds.

The boys were to get penicillin but when Pete went to Kroger they didn't have it. Neither did Walgreens, but  Walmart did and said it would be ready at 3:50pm. Well, this turned out not to be true. After Pete waits in a 15 minute line with Thomas he is told they can't find the prescriptions because all three pieces of information they request don't match with what they have in their system, so he has to go stand in another line. Then it turns out they spelled our last name wrong but they still can't give us the medicine because they didn't realize we were coming today. They say they will work on it. Pete just has to walk around the store with Thomas. Then he goes back and they still have our name spelled wrong but finally he gets to buy it. Once he has paid for it they ask if he is going to take it with him now. Umm......yeah we just paid for it. Apparently they can't mix penicillin until you pay for it so it will take even more time before it is ready. Pete believes this is all a big scam to get you to buy stuff at Wal-Mart, which he decides he will not do for a long time in protest to this horrible service.

Once home I give Luke his medicine and he promptly spits every bit of it out all over the floor. Yucky yucky yucky becomes his cry. Well, on to Jack. Jack hears Luke's cries and he begins to scream-NO!! It is yucky!!!!! He then refuses to open his mouth. When he does he pulls a Luke and lets the medicine flow freely out of his mouth. Now we have two kids just screaming and crying while Thomas eats dinner. I try again with Luke-pinning him down and putting the syringe way in the back of his throat. The whole time he is crying, wrestling me, and trying his best to bite the syringe. At first I think success but it turns out nope-he just starts throwing up.Gross. This does not help our cause with Jack. Now all the kids are crying and the two parents who normally like each other pretty well are yelling at the kids, each other, and themselves. Total chaos. We finally decide to mix the medicine with just a splash of Sprite to see if this works any better. After much more coercion, Jack finally succumbs and takes his medicine. Luke was a much harder sell. We had pour his medicine into a thermos, tell him that we got rid of his medicine, and now he was drinking a special truck drink. Even then it took him about an hour to drink his medicine-I am not sure that is at all effective but at least he didn't spit it out for a third time. By this time it was time to start over with the ibuprofen since by this time their fevers were coming back. Needless to say, that didn't go over well either.

By this point I needed a drink to help take the edge off the day. I poured myself a glass of wine only to finish it about an hour later because of poop. Warning-- this involves poop. Well Luke has had runny poops all day so I have had to change his diaper almost non-stop. Well, I guess Thomas didn't want to be left out of all this madness so he decided that he would start pooping a ton too. I would change his diaper, change Luke's, and then start all over again. Well, Thomas pooped and for some reason, I can't even remember right now, I let him go sans diaper for just a minute while I did something. I come back to poop on the floor, his feet, his legs, his butt, and by this time--me. Oh man. Really. I clean this up and when I reach for the diaper the box is empty, so I go to get another from our stash but it turns out Thomas has escaped. I go to find him and see that he is my room laying on his stomach very very still. Hmm.. I move in closer to see once again poop on the floor, his legs, his butt, his feet, and of course me. What?! No No No No.

Seriously, I rarely think that we have it together. Yesterday I learned Jack let some girl do his school work for him because he didn't know how so he just asked her and she said yes. Distracted I sat Thomas on the counter next to the knives and would have gladly kept him there without realizing it but Pete happened to notice this was not a good idea. At the grocery store the other day I put our stuff on the belt only to realize Luke has opened the bubble bath and poured it all over all of our groceries and then proceeded smash any food that was in a box.

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