Sunday, July 15, 2012

injury, running, and an anniversary

Thomas was sitting in his booster seat, I was making eggs, and the other kids were just wandering around the house waiting for breakfast. Suddenly, I hear a crash and a sobbing, painful, frantic cry. Thomas was still in his booster seat but now the booster seat was on the floor and Thomas's face had attempted to break the fall. Luke was just standing there staring. Luke had pulled the booster seat off the chair, but didn't quite understand that this is what was causing all crying. I picked up Thomas to find that his mouth and nose were bleeding. I couldn't take it- I went to wake up Pete until the bleeding stopped. It was determined that Thomas broke his nose but since babies mostly have cartilage in their nose and it had broken straight there wasn't much we could do other than give him Tylenol and make sure he didn't hurt it further. Oh my. This after Jack jumped backwards into the pool causing him to smash his mouth on the ladder causing his tooth to go straight through his lower lip. I think I am going to have to get used to injury since I have such active boys.

after his fall and after the crying stopped

Jack has decided that he is going to be our running man. He decided that while his Granny and uncles were running in a 10k he would run in a 1 mile race. So on the 4th of July Jack and I ran in our race, probably the first of many for Jack. It was very hot already that morning and Jack wasn't real sure about running without seeing the finish line, but ultimately we finished. We started out running but then switched to a goal oriented run walk method: run until the stop sign, walk until the big tree at the end of the street, and finish up the last bit running hard.

before our race

during our race

after the race

Also, Pete and I celebrated our 7th anniversary this month. We went to the French Lick/West Baden Resort. It was very nice and relaxing. We spent one night away with no kids and enjoyed a Sprudel Bath at the spa, sitting poolside while having drinks brought to us, a nice dinner, an hour gambling in the casino, and finally a room service breakfast we enjoyed while watching Wimbledon.

inside hotel

outside hotel

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