Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh my...

Did you know that the mere sound of crying is enough to make a person exhausted? If you doubt it, please move in with us so I can prove it to you. Thomas only wants to be held lately, and while yes, these moments don't last forever, they sometimes feel like forever. He was able to roll from tummy to back awhile ago, but it was only done occasionally. Now every time he is on his stomach he rolls to his back and it freaks him out. He sleeps on his stomach so last night was not pleasant, every couple hours you would hear frantic screaming and crying. Note to Thomas-- Child, you have to learn to roll back the other way.

This morning while I was preparing our crockpot dinner, with a crying baby strapped to my chest,  Jack got out his light saber and began to taunt our dog. Poor Tigran, every few minutes I would see him run into the kitchen and through to the bathroom only to be followed by Jack and his light saber. It took me a couple times of this happening to fully register it. As a mother of boys I get the privilege of saying things like-- Jack, stop chasing the dog with your light saber! I did end up taking it away, only to have him get the other one out.

Luke is also going through a stage. It is a huge pain in the butt stage, and I really am not 100% sure what to do. He acts like he wants to be potty trained-- he isn't 2 yet. He takes off his clothes and diaper all the time, he goes into the bathroom and is constantly sitting on the potty seat because he wants to. I haven't seen him use he potty yet, but he has done it a handful of times with other people. At nap time or when I go to get him out of bed in the morning I find him stark naked. At first he was just peeing in his bed, but now he is also pooping in his bed! This means lots of laundry and baths. It also means trying to figure out what to do about this situation. We blame ourselves because prior to this he wasn't telling us at all when he had pooped so sometimes he would go a couple hours before we realized it, and the result would be a severe diaper rash. I think he got tired of having to wait for his parents to change his diaper. He hates wearing a diaper now. He throws a huge fit when I go to put one on him, and is usually sans diaper within the hour. I got out Jack's old underwear and put those on him and he was so excited, but he just peed in them and demanded another pair. I keep putting him on the potty since he keeps asking, but he just sits there and then gets up and goes to pee in Jack's room or someplace else. It is a huge headache. I don't want to potty train him, I don't think he is really ready, but he hates wearing his diaper and keeps taking it off to pee around the house, and apparently he has no issues with pooping in his bed.

Luke and Jack played a game last night called, throw all of the memory cards in the Christmas tree. I found a least 30 in the tree. They were also playing next to each other when Jack started to punch Luke's back, he didn't realize I was watching, then Luke got mad so he pushed Jack then grabbed the lid to the memory game and started hitting Jack in the head with it. Jack began to tattle on Luke only to have me tell him he started it and if Luke wants to defend himself he has every right. Jack was none to pleased.

Today in the car, Jack was telling me how some of the kids were throwing snowballs, and he got hit in the face. I asked if he threw snowballs back - he said,  "Mom,  revenge isn't allowed at school."

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