Sunday, November 20, 2011

A day in my life

What Luke was up to:
-we take a shower and I put a diaper on Luke but no clothes. He goes in his room and starts playing with toys. I start doing laundry. Jack comes in to tell me that there is gross stuff on Luke's floor. I walk in there and Luke's diaper is off and completely clean but there is poop on floor, his chair, and his hands and feet-nice.
-demands cup, throws it, I put it up, he throws a fit,  I ask him to say please, he does, I give it to him, he screams and shoves it back in my face, I put it up--- repeat.
-excited to play with dinosaur toy that moves, I am not so excited so I ask him to turn it on, he can't, gets mad, fine I turn the thing on, smiles real big, hands it to me, um......what do you want?, I turn it off, he screams, I turn it on, he cries, I hand it to him, he hands it to me, I hand it back, he throws it, I turn it off and put it up, and he runs down the hall and throws himself on the floor. I still don't know what he wanted.

What Thomas was up to:
Thomas wakes up and is cute and sweet, then begins to cry, I put him to bed but he only sleeps for 20-30 minutes, get him up and he cries when he is held, cries when he is being bounced, swayed, and rocked, cries when he is in his chair, cries on his stomach, cries on his back, so I feed him again. He is fine for a bit, but he wasn't that hungry to start with so he gets cranky again pretty soon. Finally, he falls asleep from crying. I put him in bed(I moved him to bed only because he fell asleep on me) and he cries- I let him cry for a bit but he doesn't calm down. I get him out and he is pretty good for about 10 minutes then we start the whole crying thing again. Grrr.....!!!!!! Then he falls asleep on me and I realize that I am just going to be confined to the couch today because if I move him at all he will cry. He sleeps for a bit but I am just sitting on the couch not able to do anything. He wakes up, I feed him, then I have to finish doing the laundry I started while Luke was busy pooping on his floor. He starts screaming and crying. I ignore him because I have clothes to put away. When I go back to him he is bright red and covered in sweat. I put him on the floor mat for a bit and this works but now Luke is going crazy about his cup and dinosaur.

Let's just say it was one or the other or both all day long!!!!!!

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