Going on a walk at the bog- carrying a BIG walking stick
Climbing on rocks while on our walk
Sleeping on the floor- Jack's favorite way to sleep now. (Until he comes in our bed)
I had my cerclage put in Thursday. Pete and I got there bright and early- 6am and unfortunately didn't leave until 1pm. The procedure takes 15 minutes or so, but they use a spinal block for anesthesia, which is supposed to wear off in around 2 hours, but it took mine about 6 hours. It was no fun because Pete had stuff to do and ended up missing almost all of it-- even though it wasn't my fault I felt so so bad!
Aunt Cassie came to watch Jack while we were at the hospital. Jack was pumped! He taught her how to play monkey password ( a game Pete made up), they talked about things that are gross, threw the wood airplane Sean gave Jack, and many other things. Just when we thought we were done with Cassie she came back a few days later with Sean!! Oh my Jack was in heaven. When it was time for them to leave Jack asked them to please stay. Awww!!
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