Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stressed Out

We are one stressed out family. I have started going through all of our stuff, mostly clothes and toys, and we have already taken two van loads of stuff to Goodwill.  I have more stuff stashed in the garage that really needs to go, and before Pete left this evening he made a pile of books on our living room floor to add to the Goodwill pile. I have packed 5 boxes, but if you walked into our house you would have no idea we have done so much work, Jack's room still looks like a tornado touched down.

Jack is starting to act out, and it has to be related to our upcoming move. He has been acting quite a lot like he did when Thomas was born. It has been very stressful. Tigran knows something is going on because anytime Pete is home he knocks things and people out of the way just to get to him, and if Pete goes near the front door Tigran tries to leave with him.

Packing is hard mostly because I have to make the decision-- Dishes, laundry, picking up or sorting through our stuff and putting it in boxes. This also effects meals-- I don't make them. Plus, the kids get to watch a lot more movies.

I have also been online more than I have in a long time, and hardly any of it is for pleasure. I bought our tickets so there is no turning back now. I called our bank to ask them about wiring money back and forth, fees, and a few other things, but I knew as soon as the bank manager said,"So Germany uses the pound right?" that we would have to switch our domestic bank before we move. 10 weekends before we move and we have stuff going on for 5 of them- this doesn't include appointments we have during the week during that time. It has us all swimming.

I'd say I can't wait until the move is over, but once we move we will have a lot of stressful stuff to do there as well.

Oh, but the boys did have fun with Pete the other night; here is a picture to prove it.

1 comment:

Tiffany Alldredge Smith said...

Sounds like a lot of work! You're a trooper!!! Just think of all the new and exciting experiences you'll be having...maybe that will help...some. My sister has lived overseas and traveled a lot - she told me once that there were 2 banks that are the best for international banking and traveling. I emailed her to ask what they were...I'll let you know what she says. I hope that helps a little. I'm excited to read all about your new adventures!! Keep blogging!!