Monday, June 20, 2011


Our baby is leaving the baby stage behind and is entering the terrible toddler phase. He has learned the art of crying for and because of EVERYTHING!! Luke don't bother Tigran=cry, Luke don't take out all the spices and throw them on the floor=cry, don't throw the dog food on the floor=cry, stop throwing the cokes on the floor=cry, if you want your cup say/sign please=cry. Add to this that multiple times a day he likes to throw himself either against the wall or on the floor while crying and you begin to get the terrible toddler phase. He understands us but he doesn't talk yet so it doesn't help in figuring out why he is crying. I have begun to think it is mostly because he just plain old wants to cry. When Pete leaves he cries, when I let Tigran outside he cries, and when he is bored he cries. He is stubborn and ignores our requests even though it is obvious he understands what we are saying- sometimes he even gives this smirky little smile before he ignores us. Oh that boy!

This is one of Luke's favorite things to do-- he thinks it is so funny!

Jack is going to preschool this year and in order to get the students ready for it they hold week long camps throughout the summer. Jack's camp is this week and last night it was me who couldn't get to sleep and me who woke up early because I was antsy. Jack woke up excited and ready to go. We packed his backpack and he added a couple snakes and lamby. We get there and he has a locker with his name on it, but they have the name John on his locker - he didn't understand why they didn't know the name he goes by. I put both names on all his papers, but I guess they didn't get the John 'Jack' thing. He told one of the teachers he goes by Jack, but the other teachers/helpers called him John so he wasn't thrilled about that part. Inside the room there is a tall 2 story house type structure with books and toys, there is a rabbit outside, a goldfish inside, and lots of other cool things. Jack loved that there were so many animals and even a reptile book on display. They were supposed to be preparing the garden and composting this week, but alas there were massive thunderstorms all morning long with perhaps more over the next couple days. Inside they did coloring, cutting, reading, playing, and snacks. Even with the John thing he still loved it. He talked about how fun it was, how great it was, and how he is glad to be going back.

Having entered my third trimester things around here have significantly slowed down. We watch a lot more Diego and Signing Times. I am tired and want/need naps, feel bad because I am not getting on the floor to play, especially with Luke who probably needs it the most, and am just starting to feel pregnant. The second trimester I was ready to go and had all sorts of energy and plans, but now I just look forward to laying down. :(   I am getting bigger and have a few pregnancy shirts that will rise up and expose my large belly- I just wonder what in the world I am going to do because I still have lots of growing time left.

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