Thursday, February 25, 2010

Baby Lukey Baby

We have a new addition. I was scheduled to be induced on Monday Feb.22 @ 7am. We arranged to have Granny come up on Sunday evening to be here with Jack since we had to be at the hospital at 6:30am. She arrived around 6:30 or 7pm, we ate Chinese, Jack played with his new puzzle and game, and then went in to read with Granny. I decided to take a shower and while in the shower suddenly began to have strong contractions. Not sure what to do or what was going on I tried to ignore them and finish my shower- they would not be ignored. I called to Pete and told him he would have to start timing them so we could figure out if they were the real deal. I didn't really want to drive out to the hospital that evening since I had to be there early in the morning. After about an hour of timing we saw they were two minutes apart and lasting about 45 seconds. Hmmm.... what to do? Since Granny was there already it was decided we would page the doctor and go to the hospital.

After being in our room for only a few minutes our doctor arrived to check things out. I was 5 centimeters and 100% effaced, but since I have an incompetent cervix this was not something to be overly excited about. The nurse informed me it could be a while still and this was probably very early labor. She then handed me all my paperwork to fill out- this was at 10:30pm. Things kept at the same pace for the next hour and a half- no increase in pain or contractions. I had decided no epidural and didn't need it so far. At midnight my water broke, I paged the nurse, she checked me, and I was at 7 centimeters. She wasn't overly impressed and said that my contractions will increase now and become more intense but it would still be awhile, but to page her if I felt like pushing. As soon as she left the room the pain became significantly more intense and continued every 30 seconds. Just as I was wondering if I would be able to handle this I began to feel the worst possible pain I could imagine and just started pounding on the nurse call button. I believe this is when I became crazy pregnant lady.

I had been turned on my side because it was less painful and I could hold onto the side of the bed, but she told me that I wasn't going to have the baby that way so I had to turn on my back. I honestly believed that there was no way I could physically turn or move at all. She was not one of those nice patient nurses -- she was one of those you better do what I say nurses. I finally got turned over and after feeling like that was all I could do she then demanded I scoot down to the edge of the bed. I really felt like I had exerted all my energy just turning over. After this the doctor arrived and another nurse. For whatever reason I kept my eyes closed from that point on. The pain was intense and I screamed- a lot and loud- I would say it was primal. I cried and became quite a bit like a toddler. They would tell me to push and I would say no. They said if you quit screaming and push it won't hurt as much- I said I can't do that. They said just push with all your might and I told them I had no might. They said move your legs back and I refused. I know I scared any other women that may have been on the floor because I was really that loud. The mean nurse was mean and I didn't like it and the nice nurse was a liar I found out-- she kept telling me just one more but after falling for that about 5 times I realized she was not being honest. It was at this point I decided not to push and I meant it. However, the baby's head was halfway out at that point, so it wasn't the safest time to show how stubborn I could be and the mean nurse let me know. I agreed to stop screaming and start pushing. Then it turns out that he was stuck, his shoulder wouldn't come out, and so this pushing thing became harder to do, and I really wanted to scream. I don't know what happened because I wasn't looking but I do know he came out. I know that, to me, it felt like forever but apparently it was only minutes because my water broke at midnight and he was born at 12:42am.

The repair job on me took about 35 minutes, longer than the actual delivery, and I had yet to open my eyes. I am not sure why. So I still hadn't seen my baby. I heard snippets of things that they were saying, and I heard that he was 8 1/2 lbs and that the doctor thought he was only going to be about 7 to 7 1/2. I heard that his face was completely blue, but he was breathing and everything was fine. It turns out his face was blue due to bruising from 1. being so big and having problems coming out and 2. my deciding not to push when his head was already halfway out.

It wasn't until they brought him over that I really opened my eyes. He was blue and so a lot of our hospital pictures of him are kind of scary looking, but he was fine and healthy. He has a little bit of jaundice due to the bruising but so far it isn't as bad as Jack's and hopefully it won't be. He has been an amazing baby so far with only one day of horrible fussing and no eating- it was the day of his circumcision. Jack is pumped up to have a baby brother and calls him baby lukey baby. He talks in a baby voice to him and wants to check on him when he is asleep. So far things are going well- let's hope it continues!!


Jessica said...

He is so so cute Becky! Congrats! What a quick delivery! I remember being just as stubborn when I was in delivery with Evan. I also had a nurse that wasn't being very honest and I also refused to push. Delivery stories are amazing, I can't believe what women go through for their babies. But it is worth it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Becky! So glad you have a healthy baby, he's so beautiful. You're a trooper!

Joanna said...

I am just so incredibly happy for your family!! Luke is adorable and Jack looks so excited and proud! Great job getting through the labor and delivery. You are amazing!!!

The Tate Fam said...

He's adorable! Congrats! Let me know if you need anything! Hope to see you and baby Luke soon!