Sunday, September 28, 2008

New playing ideas?

Lately I have felt like Jack and I are in a playing rut. We play with puzzles, cars, blocks, and books, it doesn't vary a whole lot day in and day out. These are his favorites, why ruin a good thing? So I decided to try something new. This morning I got out the colander and some angel hair pasta, turned the colander upside down, and showed Jack how to put the pasta through the holes. Then I got out some tupperware and put rice, sushi and white, in them along with a small cup so he could scoop. We had a pretty good time. I realized I have failed him on the scooping front because he had no idea how to scoop. He decided to forgo the cup and use his hands. This then turned into just dumping the containers upside down and putting a few handfuls back in the tupperware containers. He also tried putting the rice on top of the colander. I showed him how to put the rice in the colander along with the pasta, the colander being right side up, and this was fun, but not as fun as dumping it on his head and then doing it again!

Here are a few pictures to show you what Jack has been up to this week.

Jack has discovered lotion-- he wants to put some on all the time.

He also discovered my eye patch and decided to become a pirate-arrr!

Finally, Jack has become obsessed with the vacuum cleaner, swiffers, and the broom. Here is Jack helping to clean up our mess.

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