Friday, June 20, 2008


Our camera is busted-- yes broken.  I took it to the pool with hopes of getting pictures of Jack with Lydia and Elsie but it didn't pan out.  During break we drank water out of the water bottle but apparently did not close the lid all the way, and when leaving I noticed everything in the bag was wet--that included phone and camera.  I turned the camera on at the pool and it worked so I thought great--yay!!  I then padded the bottom with towels and put the rest on top, but once home I tried to take a picture and nothing.  I charged the battery and nothing, I opened all the compartments I could open to let it air dry- and nothing, I ordered a new battery and nothing, and so I had to resign myself to the fact that the camera I bought in October was in fact busted.  I was devastated.  We are poor college students again and we made a decision to get a nice-ish camera in October, but now it won't even turn on!!!  I am heart-broken.  

Jack had tubes put in Tuesday-- things went very well.  Jack was given two new toys--so fun!  He got a toy stethoscope from the nurses taking his blood pressure and then the anesthesia nurse gave him a plastic snake--so fun!!  We were told that when he woke up he would be cranky and crying-so we were prepared for this child who was screaming his head off, but we weren't prepared for an angry baby.  We offered him his cup, which he took and brought to his mouth, only to have him bring back like a football behind his head and launch it across the room.  Then in the elevator he reached out for his cup, so I gave it to him, the exact same thing happened again.  It was so funny.  I couldn't help but laugh. 

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